
As part of the outreach programmes, there is a display gallery having among others, the following major exhibitions: Archaeological exhibition consists of replica of the famous Ife potsherd pavements, traditional iron smelting techniques, different stone artifacts, and ritual objects.

It also includes the photographic exhibition of tourism sites in Nigeria and Glass beads artifacts from Ile-Ife. The zoological exhibition includes the lion family diorama in their natural habitats, the diorama of baboon group in their habitat, varieties of small mammals, the reptile diorama (featuring Indian and African Python, crocodile, alligator cobra, giant tortoise and turtle, some cartilaginous fishes and fin fishes from the Kainji Lake and some reservoirs in Osun state. Also on display are skeletons of camel, other vertebrates, some depicting evolutionary trend, skulls of various vertebrates, including those of man and elephant the ostrich.

Geological materials include some economic minerals and ores of Nigeria, minerals in indigenous ceramics, and the geological section of strata exposed in the Ewekoro quarry. The insects on display include common butterflies and other insects. The botany section includes a display of some common chewing sticks of Nigeria, some macro fungi/mushrooms of Nigeria, uses of timbers, local calabashes, and different species of indigenous wild cultivated rice.

As part of the outreach programmes, there is a display gallery having major exhibitions. The display Gallery has regularly attracted a lot of visitors, and offered important educational outreach programmes for various interest groups like school parties, adult education parties etc. The Museum staff also provide identification services for user groups, notably students of this other universities, research workers in the arts and sciences and pest control workers. Several visitors and user groups patronize the Museum every year. They consist of school parties from primary, secondary, colleges of education and many universities from across the country and beyond. Besides several institution offering conservation related courses patronize the Natural History Museum. This is expected to increase with awareness.

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